End to End Project - Forecast Sales Quantities Help

Disposable Personal Income: As a leading indicator, this index changes before sales change. Observe the best lag that is of interest.

  1. Modeling parameters, including test.length, seasonality, observation.freq, and timeformat, needs to be input as well.
  2. Datetime
  • Date features: year, month, week of month, etc.
  • Time features
  • Season features
  • Weekday-and-weekend features
  • Holiday features: New Year, U.S. Labor Day, U.S. Thanksgiving, Cyber Monday, Christmas, etc.

Can you please explain what above means?

Additionally do i need to merge the two datasets if yes then how? what is the connection parameters

Could you suggest the url of this exercise?

This is practice exercise from End to End Project chapter 31.

Any update on my isssue?

I mailed the query since long still no update