Descriptive Statistics Project Q&A


Step 3: Get the header data for ‘mtcars’ and store it in variable ‘header_data’. Display the header data using print() command.
These are the columns present in mtcars dataset: mpg - Miles/(US) gallon; cyl - Number of cylinders; disp - Displacement (; hp - Gross horsepower; drat - Rear axle ratio; wt - Weight (lb/1000); qsec - 1/4 mile time; vs - V/S; am - transmission (0 = automatic, 1 = manual); gear - Number of forward gears; carb - Number of carburetors;

When I explore the dataset, there is a column called name as well. Is there a typo in the question or are we supposed to ignore the header column called name?

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No it is column name that shows the name of vehicles which has mpg,no of cyl etc…


thank you so it is a typo in the question

Thanks @Gopi_Raga for pointing out the typo.

@Pratik_Sonthalia please look into it.

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@Gopi_Raga Thank you for pointing out the typo. It has been corrected in the problem statement now.

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