CloudxLab - running python Flask script

Hi , I am doing a small project with python - Flask as a back end and angular js as a front end.
If I run a .py file in command prompt , I can see the output from local host address using browser. But If I run a same file in CloudxLab , How can I see the output ? Is this possible ? Thanks .

Hi Gobala,

Yes, you can run Flask application on CloudxLab.

Here are the steps

  1. Install Flask in a virtual environment. Follow steps specified in this blog.

  2. Setup flask project

  3. Run the server, specify the IP as and port as 4040. If port 4040 is used by any other user, change it to 4041, 4043, 4044, and so on. You can use any unused port in the range of 4040 to 4140

  4. Let’s say your web console is and the flask server is running at port 4040, access it on your web browser at address

Hope this helps.

Feel free to let me know if it works.

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Thanks for the reply Abhinav , anyway I have done this through my laptop. If chance I will try the same and will let you know.