Can you help with finding path where my data files in HDFS stored?

I have uploaded 2 data files under my Lab account (login = gopiny8195). the file names are people.txt and zip-city.txt. I can see the Hive Tables and I am able to run HiveQL for accessing the data.

I want to access the same files in Pig Latin using LOAD command. LOAD required HDFS file path. How can I find that, please?

Any help from support for this ? I appreciate it.

When you upload something from HDFS the files get moved.

thank you. how can I find the path for the files?

this is required for me to refer the files from Pig Latin LOAD command.

The files have been moved to hive warehouse table folder.

You can find the location of a table using: describe formatted table_name
And then using hadoop fs command or using the Hue File Browser, you can navigate to the HDFS folder. The files should be there.