Analyses on structure data by different ways in hadoop

we can do analyses on structure data by different ways in hadoop

  1. by using hive queries in hive
    :-> can we store output of these queries back to hdfs

  2. by using RDD in spark
    :->can we store output after applying transformation and action back to hdfs

  3. by using dataframe in spark
    :->can we store output of dataframe back to hdfs

  4. by using sparksql
    :-> can we store output of sparksql back to hdfs

  5. by using hivecontext in spark
    :-> can we store output back to hdfs

  1. By using hive queries in the hive. can we store the output of these queries back to hdfs?

Yes. like this: INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY ‘/my/output/directory’ SELECT * FROM mytable somecol= somevalue;

  1. by using RDD in spark can we store output after applying transformation and action back to hdfs

Yes. You can use the actions such as rdd.saveAsTextFile("/path/to/output/folder/in/hdfs/")

Note that this function is same in python and scala.

  1. by using dataframe in spark can we store output of dataframe back to hdfs

Yes. like this: mydatafram.write.csv("/my_output/folder")

  1. by using sparksql can we store output of sparksql back to hdfs

Yes, either by the way of point number 3 or point number 1

  1. By using hivecontext in spark, can we store output back to hdfs
